From 11 to 12 September 2020, Winsing Animation held a New Toy Line Release Conference, where the China-based animation studio introduced its new toy line inspired by the established hit IP GG Bond, GOGOBUS, and the new property - Team S.T.E.A.M.!. Meanwhile, Winsing announced its brand development direction and animation content release plan for the next year. There are more than 200 toy distributors and licensees from different cities of China attending the Conference and giving a high value … [Read more...] about Winsing Animation unveils new 2020 autumn toy line
Winsing Animation’s ‘Gogobus’ tops sales in Toys ‘R’ Us in South Korea
GOGOBUS, an animated kids’ series based on Social and Emotional Learning(SEL), has been broadcast in the primetime slot of several major TV Stations of South Korea including CJ Tooniverse, Animax, Daekyo Children’s TV, and Boomerang. It resulted in an excellent performance in TV ratings among similar cartoons. Meanwhile, the GOGOBUS YouTube channel is exceeding two million clicks and thousands of subscribers, since April 2020. And it continues to soar now. This edutainment program revolves … [Read more...] about Winsing Animation’s ‘Gogobus’ tops sales in Toys ‘R’ Us in South Korea
Winsing’s animation spreading across Asia
Winsing Animation has scheduled a lot of programmes airing in many places around the world. The spin-offs GG Bond: Dino Diary S1 premiered in Singapore on 30 August 2020. This series is about the popular theme - dinosaurs. GG Bond and his fellows go back to Mesozoic Era to discover puzzles behind every fossil they find, to complete Dr. Mihoo's mission. After every adventure, GG Bond will return to the museum with more information about dinosaurs. It not only brings a lot of fun to the kids in … [Read more...] about Winsing’s animation spreading across Asia
‘Gogobus’ heat climbs up in South Korea
GOGOBUS, an animated kids’ series based on Social and Emotional Learning(SEL), has been broadcast in the primetime slot of several major TV Stations in South Korea including CJ Tooniverse, Animax, Daekyo Children’s TV, and Boomerang. The broadcast resulted in the excellent performance in TV ratings among similar cartoons. Meanwhile, the GOGOBUS YouTube channel is exceeding its first million clicks and thousands of subscribers since April 2020 and it continues to soar. This edutainment program … [Read more...] about ‘Gogobus’ heat climbs up in South Korea
Toy Edu China recap: Winsing shows up at the biggest toys event of China
The 32nd Shenzhen International Toy & Education Fair (TOY EDU CHINA) took place from 6th to 8th August 2020 in the southern city of Shenzhen. Originally scheduled to be held in March, this fair was postponed earlier this year due to the COVID-19 outbreak. And it’s changed the place to Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center from this year, as a one-stop platform for global insiders, this fair is the largest toys trade show in China and a must-attend event for licensing … [Read more...] about Toy Edu China recap: Winsing shows up at the biggest toys event of China