The Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) variety programme, Takeshi's Castle, celebrates its tenth year on the air in the UK with a new six-part series scheduled to broadcast in the UK starting March 8, 2013. The show is being reintroduced as Takeshi's Castle Rebooted with the award-winning comic duo Rich and Dom (Richard McCourt and Dominic Wood) taking over as the voices of the show. The new series is partly filmed in Japan during a visit by the UK programme producer to Tokyo. Originally aired in … [Read more...] about Tokyo Broadcasting System’s “Takeshi’s Castle” celebrates tenth anniversary
Michael Murphy appointed acting General Manager for Beyond Distribution
Mikael Borglund, CEO and Managing Director of Beyond International Limited, has announced the appointment of Michael Murphy as acting General Manager of Beyond Distribution, following the resignation of Fiona Crago. Crago is stepping down to pursue further university studies but says she will remain involved in the industry as a Director of Screenrights. “Fiona has been with Beyond since 1997, when she joined the legal department of the Group. For the past ten years Fiona has been … [Read more...] about Michael Murphy appointed acting General Manager for Beyond Distribution
ALL3MEDIA’S Stephen Lambert to keynote at MIPFormats 2013
Paris – The Chairman of ALL3MEDIA America, Stephen Lambert, creator of hit formats such as Wife Swap, Secret Millionaire, and Undercover Boss, will be sharing his vision of this rapidly-evolving sector in a keynote address at MIPFormats held in Cannes from April 6-7, ahead of MIPTV (April 8-11). The two-day event will feature a full programme of conferences and screenings, as well as a digital library for the 250 international buyers in attendance. Lambert is one of Britain’s … [Read more...] about ALL3MEDIA’S Stephen Lambert to keynote at MIPFormats 2013
Liberty Global to acquire Virgin Media
Englewood, Colorado – Liberty Global, Inc. and Virgin Media Inc. have entered into an agreement, subject to shareholder approvals, to which Liberty Global will acquire Virgin Media in a stock and cash merger valued at approximately USD$23.3 billion. The deal between the two companies was made with several objectives, including being one of the world’s leading broadband communications company covering millions of homes across 14 countries. The combined company will focus on the … [Read more...] about Liberty Global to acquire Virgin Media
Endemol appoints Managing Director of Asian operations
Endemol has announced the appointment of Fotini Paraskakis as Managing Director of Asian Operations. She will report to Arjen van Mierlo, CEO of Asian Operations, who will increasingly focus on exploring new opportunities for Endemol to further expand in the region. In her newly appointed role, Paraskakis will be responsible for Endemol’s creative, production and format sales activities across Asia on a daily basis including the company’s joint venture with Astro in Malaysia. … [Read more...] about Endemol appoints Managing Director of Asian operations
International fans of “Top Gear” get new second-screen app
When the new series of Top Gear UK returns to TV screens on BBC channels across the world next month – just days after UK transmission – a brand new second-screen app from BBC Worldwide will accompany the international broadcasts for the first time in the show’s history. The app, titled “Top Gear Bingo!”, was developed using UK-based Monterosa’s LViS platform, and encourages viewers to look out for well known phrases, cars and items synonymous with the hit … [Read more...] about International fans of “Top Gear” get new second-screen app