ZEE5 Global, the world's largest streaming platform for South Asian content, recently launched the trailer for its upcoming Hindi Original drama series, Maeri. Produced by Sachinn Darekkar’s Zenith Pictures, Maeri is a gripping emotional thriller that explores the complex relationships within a family; the show unveils a lot of hidden truths and personal secrets. Maeri brings together a stellar cast, including Sai Deodhar as the determined mother Tara Deshpande, Sagar Deshmukh as her husband … [Read more...] about ZEE5 Global announces new thrilling drama series Maeri
format licensing
Massimo Righini appointed Chief Operating Officer of Casta Diva Pictures
The production company Casta Diva Pictures, commonly referred to as Casta Diva and part of the Casta Diva Group, announces the appointment of Massimo Righini as Chief Operating Officer (COO). In this role, he will oversee the company’s strategy with a particular emphasis on the Entertainment unit and TV projects. Righini will report directly to Casta Diva Pictures CEO Fabio Nesi, adding this responsibility to his existing role as Creative Director within the company. “I am thrilled about the … [Read more...] about Massimo Righini appointed Chief Operating Officer of Casta Diva Pictures
ZEE5 Global annoucnes Black Friday deals of Up to 30% Off in key markets
ZEE5 Global, the world’s largest streaming platform for South Asian content, announces exciting discounts on its subscription packs across select markets for Black Friday from November 28th till December 1st. This offer allows viewers in these regions to enjoy the best of South Asian entertainment at unbeatable prices, making it the perfect opportunity to binge-watch blockbuster movies, TV shows, and Originals with family and friends. With this limited period offer, ZEE5 Global will now be … [Read more...] about ZEE5 Global annoucnes Black Friday deals of Up to 30% Off in key markets
PSI Broadcasting stays ahead of the game with PlayBox Neo MultiPlayout channel and branding systems
South East Asia’s leading broadcaster and playout service provider, PSI Broadcasting, extends its facilities with the purchase of PlayBox Neo’s MultiPlayout Manager for integration, including the latest updates to its Channel-in-a-Box HD servers. The Channel-in-a Box (CIAB) server upgrades incorporate the comprehensive PlayBox Neo suite that includes AirBox Neo-20 playout software, TitleBox Neo-20 graphics and Capture Suite ingest management. PSI Broadcasting is a PSI Group company, … [Read more...] about PSI Broadcasting stays ahead of the game with PlayBox Neo MultiPlayout channel and branding systems
All3Media International prepares to showcase an array of formats and finished shows at Asia Television Forum 2024
Leading independent distributor All3Media International is heading to the Asia Television Forum & Market in Singapore to present a diverse slate of formats and scripted formats, alongside star-studded dramas and thrillers, premium documentaries, entertainment hits and natural history programming from genre-leading producers. From the distributor’s premium factual portfolio, is the anticipated feature documentary Becoming Madonna (1 x 1½ hr, Optomen for Sky Documentaries, UK). This immersive … [Read more...] about All3Media International prepares to showcase an array of formats and finished shows at Asia Television Forum 2024
Publicis India unveils heartwarming “Thank You TV” campaign for ZEE TV
Publicis India, part of Publicis Groupe, has unveiled a new captivating TVC in celebration of World TV Day for ZEE TV, a leading Hindi General Entertainment Channel (GEC) from the Zee Network. The distinctive campaign, titled "Thank You TV", celebrates television’s remarkable 65-year journey. As a source of entertainment, television has been a constant companion, evolving alongside society, culture, and technology, and witnessing everything from historic moments and shifting family dynamics … [Read more...] about Publicis India unveils heartwarming “Thank You TV” campaign for ZEE TV