Academy Award®-nominated French animation studio Xilam Animation has inked a significant deal renewal with Sony Pictures Networks India (SPNI) for its flagship comedy franchise Oggy and the Cockroaches. Under the partnership extension, SPNI has renewed its agreement for all seasons of Xilam’s classic Oggy and the Cockroaches series for its kids’ channel Sony YAY!, for the brand’s feature film Oggy and the Cockroaches: The Movie and for the recent rebooted version Oggy and the Cockroaches: Next Generation. The partnership covers a total of 423 episodes and 145 half hours of content.
A recent study by Glance and BARC showed that Oggy and the Cockroaches reached over 60 million children in India in the 2–14-year-old demographic in the second quarter of 2024, equivalent to one out of four children. Also during this period, the brand represented 67% of Sony YAY!’s total viewed hours, and during Oggy and the Cockroaches’ main broadcast slot (Mon-Sun: 8:20 am -3:30 pm), the channel ranked second position among competitor children’s channels in the region. The brand also continues to generate significant digital results in the Indian market, with recent highlights including the Hindi YouTube channel for Oggy and the Cockroaches growing from 10 million subscribers in April 2023 to currently having 12.4 million subscribers and 6.7 billion lifetime views. In addition, the brand’s Facebook page has three million subscribers from India and half a million followers on Instagram.
Additionally, Sony YAY! is the master licensee for merchandising rights for Oggy and the Cockroaches in India and has inked its first deal with Navneet for a collection of stationery products, including notebooks & drawing books, stationery sets, art kits and writing pads. In support of the franchise, Sony YAY! has also executed an extensive marketing campaign for fans, including “The Giant Wheel Festival”, which included meet and greet opportunities, games inspired by the series, and innovative storytelling sessions. Further to this, Sony YAY! won the “Best Children’s Craft Promo” Award at the Promax India Awards 2024 for its promotional “Oggy and the Cockroaches” video and has also released a mobile app with a brand-new game in which users work with Oggy to try and smash the cockroaches.
Marc du Pontavice, CEO and Founder at Xilam Animation, said: “Oggy and the Cockroaches is one of our most beloved global brands, and we’ve seen families across India welcoming Oggy and his friends into their hearts and homes through our wide-ranging collaboration with SPNI. We’re looking forward to continuing to serve the rapidly growing demand for the brand by bringing the first Oggy merchandise range to the region, giving local fans the chance to extend their experience with the brand as we continue to deepen our footprint in the region and drive forward the success of our partnership with Sony for the long-term.”
Ambesh Tiwari, Business Head, Sony Kids and Animation, added: “At Sony YAY!, our legacy is built on bringing kids’ favourite characters from around the world into their lives with stories that inspire laughter and joy. Oggy and the Cockroaches is a perfect reflection of Sony YAY!’s #Happyverse philosophy filled with fun and entertainment. When kids ask, we deliver, ensuring they always have experiences that make their world brighter and more exciting.”