Sydney, Australia -The animated pirate-dinosaur comedy adventure series Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs from Australia’s SLR Productions and international partners Telegael, Super RTL, Network Nine, Top Draw Animation and ZDF Enterprises has been confirmed for broadcast on UK’s POP channel. The series based on award winning picture books of the same name by internationally recognised and highly acclaimed Author/Illustrator duo Giles Andreae and Russell Ayto will air daily. In … [Read more...] about U.K. to premiere Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs
Network Nine
Screen Australia invests A$15.5m in feature and TV projects
Screen Australia announced almost A$15.5 million investment in three feature projects, five adult drama series, one two-part adult drama telemovie and three children’s series, triggering almost $84 million in production. Feature projects include writer/director/producer Robert Connolly’s Paper Planes written by Steve Worland and produced by Maggie Miles and Liz Kearney. Producers/writers/directors Amiel Courtin-Wilson and Michael … [Read more...] about Screen Australia invests A$15.5m in feature and TV projects
TV ASIA Plus WEB-EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Julie Greene, Executive Producer of Hi-5
(Julie Greene) Q: Can you provide an update on the latest season of Hi-5? A: The new series of Hi-5 is series 14th. We’re renaming it to Hi-5 House, so it will be Hi-5 House series 1. The idea behind this is that the house where the cast all live in together becomes an environment. If there are cast changes from different places and different territories, they will all live in this place called the Hi-5 House. I thought initially that the set in the studio and the space where the cast … [Read more...] about TV ASIA Plus WEB-EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Julie Greene, Executive Producer of Hi-5