Hong Kong – Cartoon Network Asia Pacific has acquired the animated series Chaplin and Co. The show is a slapstick nod to one of Hollywood’s most pivotal early stars, Charlie Chaplin. A co-production between India’s DQ Entertainment, and France-based Method Animation, the animation was developed in consultation with the Chaplin family, to make the series as representative of the icon as possible. In true Chaplin style, Chaplin and Co is a slapstick comedy without dialogue … [Read more...] about Cartoon Network pays homage to silent star
Phobias abound in Australia
Omnilab Media’s Ambience Entertainment in partnership with Chocolate Liberation Front (CLF) has commenced work on the Australian animated series The Adventures of Figaro Pho. Ambience Entertainment Producer, David Webster says, “This Australian series is a great example of how an industry can work together from both a financing and creative point of view and cross state borders to maximise talent and support for the project. Figaro Pho will employ a team of 47 people in Sydney, 22 … [Read more...] about Phobias abound in Australia
Fairytale success
Sydney – Australia’s The Seven Network, has picked up the international co-production, Teenage Fairytale Dropouts. The 52 x 11 minute series produced by Anima Estudios, SLR Productions, Home Plate Entertainment and Telegael, tells the story of Jeremiah, Fury and Trafalgar, three best friends and second generation fairytale characters who are determined to be themselves. “Aussie kids will connect with the series – it is fun and quirky. It is a fresh spin on timeless … [Read more...] about Fairytale success
A bed of Roses
Cannes – V&S Entertainment, a UK independent children’s media company, has concluded deals with a number of international broadcasters for its pre-school animated series Everything’s Rosie (78 x 11) at MIPCOM. The company, which launched the third series of the show in Cannes, has secured further sales for the HD CGI pre-school show with a number of broadcasters including SRC, Canada; RSI, Switzerland; and Hop TV, Israel. A deal for series two with BBC Worldwide will also see … [Read more...] about A bed of Roses
The Amazing World of comedy
Hong Kong – Cartoon Network is premiering the award-winning animated comedy series The Amazing World of Gumball on 1 October, as part of a new brand campaign to give the channel a fresh look and concept. The campaign, entitled “Cartoon Network: It’s a Fun Thing!”, aims to capture the kids’ entertainment channel’s fun and vibrant side by launching a new brand look and logo. As part of this latest effort, Cartoon Network is also refocusing on comedy programming. … [Read more...] about The Amazing World of comedy
Animated fish series makes a splash
Sydney – The animated fish comedy series GASP!, produced by SLR Productions, is set to make its debut on ABC3. The 52 x 11 minute series is based on the GASP!, ZAPT!, SPLAT!, SQUISH!, CRASH!, CHOMP! series of comic books by multiple-award-winning Australian author and illustrator, Terry Denton. Head of Programming and Acquisitions Children’s TV at ABC TV, Barbara Uecker said, “We are looking forward to adding GASP! to our line-up of high-quality local and international … [Read more...] about Animated fish series makes a splash