Singapore – From 11 July 2007, StarHub’s pay-TV prices will rise by around 20% across its Basic Group and Value Pack subscription fees. Hardest hit will be sports fans however, who from October face a 66% hike in the Sports Group subs fee, up from S$15 to S$25 (from US$9.70 to US$16.20) per month. StarHub's rate adjustment will be introduced through a S$4 (US$2.60) increase in its Basic Group and Value Pack subscription fees. Thomas Ee, StarHub's Senior Vice President of Cable, Fixed … [Read more...] about Content costs blamed for StarHub rates hike
Channel: Telco
Asia Media Holdings buys into Cambodia and Laos
Nonthaburi, Thailand– Shin Satellite plc has agreed to sell part of its Cambodia and Laos interests to Asia Mobile Holdings Pte Ltd (AMH). Shin Satellite will sell 49% in Shenington Investments Pte Ltd, for consideration value of US$200 million. Shenington is an investment holding company with a 100% stake in Cambodia Shinawatra Company Limited and 49% in Lao Telecommunications Company Limited. AMH, a joint venture between Qatar Telecom and ST Telemedia, currently holds interests in … [Read more...] about Asia Media Holdings buys into Cambodia and Laos
Asia Media Holdings buys into Cambodia & Laos
Nonthaburi, Thailand – Shin Satellite plc has agreed to sell part of its Cambodia and Laos interests to Asia Mobile Holdings Pte Ltd (AMH). Shin Satellite will sell a 49% in Shenington Investments Pte Ltd, for consideration value of US$200 million. Shenington is an investment holding company with a 100 percent stake in Cambodia Shinawatra Company Limited and 49 percent stake in Lao Telecommunications Company Limited. AMH is a joint venture between Qatar Telecom and ST Telemedia It … [Read more...] about Asia Media Holdings buys into Cambodia & Laos
VOOM HD Networks, Mega Media and MDA announce HD sports show
Cannes- VOOM HD Networks, Singapore's Mega Media and the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) are furthering the HD co-production agreements signed late 2005 by co-producing two action-sports and documentary HD projects: Metro BMX Jam: Singapore and BMX P.I.G.: Singapore. Completion and delivery are scheduled for Q4 2007 and Quarter 1 2008 respectively. Metro BMX Jam: Singapore (2 x 60') is an extreme sports show in HD featuring more than 40 international BMX athletes including Dave … [Read more...] about VOOM HD Networks, Mega Media and MDA announce HD sports show
Singapore Metro BMX Jam to screen on SingTel’s Sling HD channel
Singapore- VOOM HD Networks, Singapore's Mega Media HD and the Media Development Authority of Singapore presented television event Singapore Metro BMX Jam, a two-day, free-to-public event featuring BMX's top athletes at the Somerset Skate Park in Singapore on April 7 and 8. The event was shot with eight HD cameras and an extensive HD outdoor broadcast set-up, and will be broadcast on new HD channel Sling HD, which telco SingTel will launch soon. Originated in the U.S. BMX is a form of … [Read more...] about Singapore Metro BMX Jam to screen on SingTel’s Sling HD channel