Courtesy of AIPRO
The Association of Independent Producers (Singapore) announced its new Executive Committee members voted in by its members during their Annual General Meeting on the 8th of July 2022:
President: Khim Loh (The Moving Visuals Co.)
Vice President: Molby Low (WaWa Pictures)
Secretary: Jeevan Nathan (Monochromatic Pictures)
Treasurer: Haider Ali (Live Action)
EXCO Members:
- Frank Smith (IFA Media)
- Gozde Zehnder (Freestate Productions)
- Guilad (Gil) Kahn (Aasia Productions)
- Jerry Koedding (Wave Films)
- Thong Kai Xuan (Studio Ikigai)
- Yahssir M (Millenia Motion Pictures)
This new Executive Committee will spearhead AIPRO for the next two years and will pursue engagements, communications and industry developments with vigour and a new focus.