MTG Africa, part of the international entertainment group Modern Times Group (MTG) has licensed Armoza’s long-running factual entertainment format, The Package, to be their first format in Ghana and Tanzania. MTG-owned Modern Africa Productions (MAP) will be entering into production for both countries with 13 episodes of 60 minutes commissioned for each territory. In Ghana, the adaptation will be aired on VIASAT1 in English, while the Tanzanian adaptation will air on TV1 in Swahili.
Aired in over five countries, The Package was recently announced to have been taken in Germany by ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH, who is currently in production for the adaptation. It is Greece’s Alpha TV top show, with nine hit seasons and the tenth currently in production. The emotional show also recently aired successfully on Brazil’s SBT.
The Package
The Package is a format that brings people closer together, by centering on a package, which is passed on from one person to another, forming a chain of givers and receivers. As the package makes its journey across the country, stories are told, friendships are rekindled, and confessions are made as each receiver in turn sends it on to someone who changed their life. Funny, romantic, emotional and exciting, The Package reminds us of the importance of all the connections in our lives.
Ben Amadasun, Programme Director of MTG Africa Free-to-Air Channels, “Emotionally-charged factual entertainment content that we have acquired for our channels have resonated well with our audiences in Africa. As part of our strategy to introduce more localised versions of proven international formats to our schedules, The Package was selected because it is entertaining as well as having an emotional dimension which ensures we show real people, real emotions and meaningful stories with a level of authenticity that engages with African audiences from all walks of life.”
Avi Armoza, CEO of Armoza Formats, “We are thrilled to continue expanding our reach internationally into new territories, and especially with our first format in Africa being Armoza’s first format. The Package has been a success wherever it airs – it is a highly adaptable and engaging format based on the inherent truth that every person has an interesting story to tell.”