Hong Kong – Cartoon Network announced today that its alien-morphing boy hero, Ben 10, is set to star in his first CGI animated television movie: Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens. The movie is being directed by Victor Cook (The Spectacular Spider-Man, Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated,) and executive produced by Silas Hickey, Creative Director for Animation, Turner Broadcasting System Asia Pacific, Inc. Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens is slated for premiere in 2012 on Cartoon Network globally. … [Read more...] about Ben 10 destroys aliens in CGI special
Cartoon Network Provides Platform for Homegrown Animators
Singapore – Cartoon Network will be giving local budding as well professional animators an opportunity to share their ideas through the SNAPTOONS (Short New Asia Pacific Cartoons) project, an initiative that calls for creative pitches for original series. The project, launched in a joint agreement with Singapore’s Media Development Authority (MDA), aims to connect Cartoon Network with new creative talent from Singapore, with the end plan of investing in and developing fresh animated … [Read more...] about Cartoon Network Provides Platform for Homegrown Animators
Inroads in IP
Only a decade ago, animation in Asia was mostly a servicing industry for the big foreign producers and networks. Apart from Japan and its healthy output of anime, the rest of the industry here was at best seen as work-for-hire. Anything original, developed and produced locally, was well off anyone's drawing board. But in more recent times, Asia has begun to show its might and creative prowess in animation, not only in producing programmes but developing characters and series from the ground-up. … [Read more...] about Inroads in IP
Turner’s channels launch in Mongolia on Univision’s IPTV platform
Hong Kong - Turner Broadcasting System Asia Pacific, Inc. has launched a suite of its channels in Mongolia, after an agreement with the country’s first IPTV operator, Univision. The multi-year deal will see a mixed genre package of Turner’s premium channels - CNN International, Cartoon Network, Boomerang and truTV - offered as part of Univision’s triple play service: its network covering Ulaanbaatar and other major cities using high-speed fibre optic technology. Turner’s … [Read more...] about Turner’s channels launch in Mongolia on Univision’s IPTV platform
Haber Sales for SCREAM 2010
New Jersey - Alfred Haber, founder of Alfred Haber Distribution, Inc. (AHDI), announced that the company has inked a number of new deals with broadcasters worldwide for SCREAM 2010. The first and only event of its kind, this annual two-hour Spike TV event honors outstanding achievements in the multi-billion dollar horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and comic industries while featuring film and television superstars, A-list musical performers, and dynamic clip packages. Licensees topping the international … [Read more...] about Haber Sales for SCREAM 2010
Turner partners with Zapak Digital Entertainment to expand Cartoon Network’s online games in India
Hong Kong - Turner International India announced an exclusive partnership with Zapak Digital Entertainment to market and distribute Cartoon Network’s Multiplayer Online Games (MOGs), including the launch of Ben 10 Omniverse: Rise of the Heroes (www.ben10.net) and a brand new version of the hugely popular game, Toon Football (www.toonfootball.com). As part of this partnership, Turner will leverage Zapak’s strong promotional channels to expand the reach of Cartoon Network’s … [Read more...] about Turner partners with Zapak Digital Entertainment to expand Cartoon Network’s online games in India