Netflix announced an exciting new original series project, the Korean adaptation of its beloved Spanish original series La Casa de Papel. Set on the Korean peninsula, the Korean adaptation of La Casa de Papel will be directed by Kim Hong-sun, who has helmed TV dramas like The Guest, Voice, and Black and is known as a giant in the fantasy crime genre. Ryu Yong-jae and his team, whose credits include the Netflix original series My Holo Love and the tvN series Psychopath Diary, will be the … [Read more...] about Netflix announces Korean adaptation of its Spanish original series ‘La Casa de Papel’
Silvergate Media prepares to launch season two of award-winning animated series ‘Hilda’
Silvergate Media (Silvergate) is gearing up for the launch of new episodes of Hilda, as the highly anticipated second season is poised to debut globally on Netflix from 14th December. Alongside the launch of season two, Silvergate is announcing exclusive retail partnerships with Hot Topic and Forbidden Planet in addition to new toys that will bring the brand to life with a range of new merchandise for Hilda’s growing fanbase. Co-produced by Silvergate Media and Mercury Films, the 13 x … [Read more...] about Silvergate Media prepares to launch season two of award-winning animated series ‘Hilda’
Netflix brings a variety of entertainment with seven new Korean films and series
It’s an exciting time for those who love to watch Korean content. Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, is currently servicing Start-Up, Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol, and Private Lives, which had their respective premieres in October and are continuously dropping two episodes weekly. Since the release of Director Bong Joon-ho’s Netflix Film Okja in 2017, the relationship between Korea’s creative ecosystem and Netflix has been growing, and it is expected to grow further. In … [Read more...] about Netflix brings a variety of entertainment with seven new Korean films and series
Netflix original series ‘Better Than Us’ sets independent second season with Organic Media, Wudi Pictures for streaming in Greater China
Russian based, Sputnik Vostok showrunner, Alex Kessel, who created Russia’s first Netflix Original series, Better Than Us joins Greater China-based producers Steve Chicorel and Gao Qun to independently develop and produce season 2 for the critically acclaimed sci-fi program, currently streaming worldwide on Netflix. Better Than Us, which received glowing international reviews on IMDB and other review sites, is about a one-of-a-kind, AI family robot, with the ability to defend … [Read more...] about Netflix original series ‘Better Than Us’ sets independent second season with Organic Media, Wudi Pictures for streaming in Greater China
Netflix picks up Philippine adaptation of ‘Descendants of the Sun’ aired on GMA Network
GMA Network’s adaptation of the hit South Korean series Descendants of the Sun breaks new ground as it comes to Netflix Philippines this November. Descendants of the Sun Philippines which was recently awarded as Most Popular Foreign Drama by the Seoul International Drama Awards will stream on Netflix beginning 13 November. Descendants of the Sun Philippines is GMA’s biggest drama for 2020, in celebration of its 70th anniversary. It is the first GMA drama to stream on Netflix which boosts the … [Read more...] about Netflix picks up Philippine adaptation of ‘Descendants of the Sun’ aired on GMA Network
Netflix action-thriller ‘6 Underground’ becomes the first movie to receive a rebate for outsourcing its visual effects to Malaysia
The Netflix action thriller, 6 Underground, is the first movie to receive a 30% subsidy under the Film In Malaysia Incentive (FIMI) for post-production visual effects. The National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) introduced the Film In Malaysia Incentive (FIMI) in 2013 to promote Malaysia as a location for film production services. Base Media, the leading visual effects and animation studio in Asia with its subsidiary Base Digital Production Sdn Bhd, completed approximately 90 … [Read more...] about Netflix action-thriller ‘6 Underground’ becomes the first movie to receive a rebate for outsourcing its visual effects to Malaysia