Disney Channel’s High School Musical 2 (HSM 2) premiered in Australia on Sept. 22, delivering an average audience of 313,976 to rank as the highest rated movie ever telecast in subscription TV homes. That marked a 134% increase on the average audience that High School Musical’s debut achieved in June 2006. HSM 2 is the top rated telecast of any kind with children in subscription TV homes with an average audience of 180,270 children aged 5-15, a 166% increase in children’s … [Read more...] about Disney’s High School Musical 2 tops ratings in Australia and Taiwan
Thinking global, acting local for High School Musical 2
OverviewBased at the regional headquarters in Hong Kong, Simon George is responsible for directing the marketing strategies for Disney channelsacross the region, and overseeing the development of television franchises by working closely with other divisions of The Walt DisneyCompany. He joined the Company from Cartoon Network in October 2006 with extensive experience in marketing, brand management and commercial exploitation. His first major project in Asia -franchise management for the … [Read more...] about Thinking global, acting local for High School Musical 2
Disney’s High School Musical 2 tops ratings Down Under
Disney Channel’s High School Musical 2 (HSM 2) premiered in Australia on September 22 delivering an average audience of 313,976 to make it the highest rated movie ever telecast in subscription TV homes. It is a 134% increase from the average audience High School Musical (HSM) delivered when it debuted in June 2006. HSM 2 is the top rated telecast of any kind with children in subscription TV homes with an average audience of 180,270 children 5-15, a 166% increase in children’s … [Read more...] about Disney’s High School Musical 2 tops ratings Down Under
MIPCOM Junior program unveiled
Paris- The program for the 15th edition of MIPCOM Junior, the specialist international screening marketplace and conference for children’s programming and merchandising, running Oct. 6 - 7 at the Carlton Hotel in Cannes, has been unveiled. Rich Ross, President of Disney Channel Worldwide, will give the keynote address on the channels’ success on Oct. 7. Key conferences will include the Buyers' Summit, which brings together top programming executives from international broadcasters to … [Read more...] about MIPCOM Junior program unveiled
High School Musical 2 a ratings winner in Singapore, Malaysia and HK
Singapore / Hong Kong- Disney Channel’s premiere of High School Musical 2 on Sept. 9 in Asia topped the ratings among youth demographics in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. In Singapore, against all subscription TV and free-to-air programs, High School Musical 2 was the top telecast among all cable subscribers on its premiere day. Among children 4-14 in subscriber homes, the telemovie achieved a rating of 22.11 and a share of 48.5%. HSM 2 is the highest rated telecast on Disney Channel … [Read more...] about High School Musical 2 a ratings winner in Singapore, Malaysia and HK
High School Musical 2 debuts with top ratings in Singapore, Malaysia and HK
Singapore / Hong Kong- Disney Channel’s premiere of High School Musical 2 on September 9 on its Asia feed took top ratings among youth demographics in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. In Singapore, against all subscription TV and free-to-air programs, High School Musical 2 was the top telecast among all cable subscribers on its premiere day. Among children 4-14 in subscriber homes, High School Musical achieved a rating of 22.11 and a share of 48.5%. High School Musical 2 is the highest … [Read more...] about High School Musical 2 debuts with top ratings in Singapore, Malaysia and HK