The Space Doctor Cat puppetshow has reached 2,000,000+ views on YouTube. Viewing significantly increased from February to late April 2020.
Besides, the channel has seen a stable growth of its audience. As of April, 29, 2020 the number of subscribers hit 11,000+ people which is 17% more than in March 2020 and 66% more than in January 2020.
The show’s audience on Instagram also grows rapidly — more than 1,000 as of April, 29.
RED CARPET STUDIO’s children’s animation department is currently working on a collection of music videos for the Space Doctor Cat show as well as adapting Season 1 for hearing impaired and visually impaired children and dubbing the episodes in English and Chinese.
Space Doctor Cat is an educational and entertainment puppet show with elements of 2D animation for 2 to 4-year-olds and their parents. It’s about a Cat who lives in a fictional galaxy and works as a doctor. The Space Doctor Cat travels on a spaceship and helps the inhabitants of various planets. At the end of each episode the Cat gives out recipes of simple and healthy meals as well as safety, healthy living and hygiene advice.