Turbozaurs animated series by Tale Wind Studio expands its presence in Southeast Asia. The studio is happy to announce distribution deals with Mi Media international distributor for free-to-air and streaming rights in Brunei for four seasons (104 x 7’) and with CANAL+ International that acquired the free-to-air and Pay TV rights for CANAL+ and its affiliated broadcasting channels in Myanmar for three seasons (78 x 7’). With its arrival on Mi Media and CANAL+, Turbozaurs aims to capture the … [Read more...] about Turbozaurs expands to Brunei and Myanmar
TV Cultura
Studio 100 International’s Mia and me YouTube Channel Surpasses 1M Subscribers
Studio 100 International is thrilled to announce a significant milestone for its popular "Mia and me" brand in Brazil, with the dedicated YouTube channel reaching over one million subscribers. This remarkable achievement has been honored by YouTube with the prestigious Gold Creator Award, recognizing the channel's popularity and the passionate fan base it has cultivated. "Mia and me," the enchanting series that blends live-action and animation to tell the adventures of Mia in the magical … [Read more...] about Studio 100 International’s Mia and me YouTube Channel Surpasses 1M Subscribers
Bundesliga International unveils multi-faceted broadcast strategy in Brazil
Bundesliga International has confirmed deals with multiple broadcasters throughout Brazil to ensure fans across the nation can watch their favourite players and clubs every matchday. In total, seven broadcasters will show Bundesliga matches for the 2023-24 season on a non-exclusive basis, providing a multi-faceted approach that includes subscription, Free-To-Air (FTA) and digital streaming services. Globo’s SporTV, Brazil’s premiere subscription platform, will show two Bundesliga matches each … [Read more...] about Bundesliga International unveils multi-faceted broadcast strategy in Brazil