Ejen Ali, the beloved Malaysian animated series returns to screens this summer with a third season set to debut exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar June 25. This season will see Ejen Ali (Ida Rahayu Yusoff) and the young Ejens from MATA Academy reunite for a secret competition at the MATA Arena. As Ali strives to honor his late mother’s legacy and become the MATA Arena champion, he must grapple with life without the supercomputer device IRIS amidst intense competition from highly-skilled … [Read more...] about Malaysian animated series ‘Ejen Ali’ season 3 to premiere on Disney+ Hotstar
Ejen Ali
‘Ejen Ali The Movie’ debuts in theatres in Uzbekistan, ‘Ejen Ali’ TV series to premiere on Disney+ Hotstar
Get ready Ejens, new mission intel received! Primeworks Studios and WAU Animation today announced the theatrical release of Malaysian box-office animation phenomenon EJEN ALI THE MOVIE in the Republic of Uzbekistan on 15 February 2022. The release marks the first time a Malaysian feature film is localised in Uzbekistan, where it will screen in more than 25 cinemas in seven cities across the country. EJEN ALI THE MOVIE tells the story of 12-year-old Ejen Ali, who after being accidentally … [Read more...] about ‘Ejen Ali The Movie’ debuts in theatres in Uzbekistan, ‘Ejen Ali’ TV series to premiere on Disney+ Hotstar
Disney+ Hotstar set to launch in Malaysia on 1 June
The Walt Disney Company announced at a virtual media event on 4 May that Disney+ Hotstar will launch in Malaysia on 1 June 2021. The platform will be home to the company’s most iconic entertainment brands including Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic, and a wide array of general entertainment series and films for young adult audiences, and homegrown Asian hits. Subscription to Disney+ Hotstar is at RM54.90 for three months, or through special packages with Astro. Coming to … [Read more...] about Disney+ Hotstar set to launch in Malaysia on 1 June
‘Ejen Ali’ animated series premieres in China on Tencent Video
Primeworks Studios and WAU Animation announced the premiere of the EJEN ALI animated series on the biggest Chinese online video platform; Tencent Video, in a content partnership deal brokered by CAWRO, the official distributor of the programme in China. The move marks EJEN ALI’s first break into China’s entertainment scene, where the demand for content on online video platforms is rapidly growing and fast becoming the platform of choice for major advertisers, a trend expected to grow … [Read more...] about ‘Ejen Ali’ animated series premieres in China on Tencent Video
Primeworks Distribution takes Malaysian Animation Titles to Amazon Prime
Six Malaysian-made animation titles made their way to Amazon Prime via a deal signed between Primeworks Distribution, a subsidiary of Primeworks Studios and Janson Media. Ejen Ali, Soccer Bugs, Cingkus Blues, Saladin, Knowsy Nina Wants To Know, and Super Tots are now available on Amazon Prime to viewers across the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Developed and produced in Malaysia, five of these titles are represented by Primeworks Distribution while … [Read more...] about Primeworks Distribution takes Malaysian Animation Titles to Amazon Prime
Ejen Ali dominates IP in mobile space
Singapore  – Primeworks Studios and Wau Animation’s animated series, Ejen Ali, proves to be a winning intellectual property in mobile space with the MATA Training Academy and Emergency mobile game apps, clinching four Gold and two Bronze awards at the regional Mob-Ex Awards 2017 organised by Marketing magazine. MATA Training Academy won three Gold awards in the Best App – Creativity, Best App – Media Owner and Best App – Tablets categories as well as a Bronze award for Best App – Games & … [Read more...] about Ejen Ali dominates IP in mobile space