Winsing Animation has announced its participation in the upcoming Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) in Singapore from December 3 to 6. Winsing will showcase a diverse lineup of its latest and most exciting programs, including the anime Shadows of the Void (13×21’), slapstick series MONGO (60×2’), GOGOBUS: Mars Trip (104×13’), and popular GG Bond titles such as Racing Series, Dino Diary Series, and Kungfu Pork Choppers (KFPC) Series. Participants can find Winsing at booth M12 L10 in the China Pavilion, where the team will be seeking media partnerships and collaboration opportunities.
One of the highlights of Winsing’s latest offerings is the highly anticipated GG Bond: Kungfu Pork Choppers Season 7 (26×13’), which premiered on November 8 across Mainland China through all major television channels, leading OTT platforms, nationwide IPTV, and children’s satellite networks. Renowned for its entertaining and engaging content, GG Bond: KFPC has become a cornerstone of the GG Bond franchise. The series’ launch campaign is supported by extensive promotions, including trailers displayed on over 28,000 screens throughout Guangzhou Metro, ensuring broad audience engagement.