No Brainer, an innovative quiz show co-developed by TV Asahi in Japan and Warner Bros. International Television Production, will make its debut at MIPTV in April with its pilot filmed in London, UK. The rules and game play in the quiz format, No Brainer, have been re-developed for audiences in Europe and the U.S. The pilot was produced by U.K. production company Wall to Wall using British contestants and staff at the London Studios to give the format an international flavour. Last year, TV Asahi … [Read more...] about MIPTV: Japan’s TV Asahi and UK’s Warner Bros. International co-develop “No Brainer”
Warner Bros. International Television Production
MIPFormats International Pitch 2013 call for entries now open
Paris – Organiser of MIPTV and MIPFormats, Reed MIDEM and Warner Bros. International Television Production (WBITVP) have announced the renewal of their partnership. For the second year, the U.S. studio will be the exclusive sponsor of the MIPFormats International Pitch competition. Call for entries for the 2013 edition is now open until February 4, 2013. The 4th annual MIPFormats event will take place in Cannes, April 6-7, prior to MIPTV's … [Read more...] about MIPFormats International Pitch 2013 call for entries now open
News@MIPTV: And the winner of MIPFormats Pitch is…
At the Grand Auditorium of the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, all eyes were on the five final pitchers; one of which would walk away with €25,000 worth of development money, courtesy of Warner Bros. International Television Production. According to moderator Ed Waller, 70 proposals from 30 countries were narrowed down to the final five below: ALL FOR ONE ONE FOR ALL - Presented by Janane Mallat, CEO, Iproduction, Lebanon LOOKING FOR LOVE - Presented by Stuart Coxe, Executive Producer, … [Read more...] about News@MIPTV: And the winner of MIPFormats Pitch is…
Chinese college drama
Beijing – China’s Mei Tian Mei Yu (Mei Tian) and H& R Century TV (H&R), in conjunction with Metan Development Group (Metan), Warner Bros. International Television Production (WBITVP) and the creative team behind the TV series Gossip Girl, have come together to develop a modern new teen drama series (30x60min) set in China. Instrumental in bringing the parties together, Metan together with WBITVP, will provide development and production consultation on the project. Set to … [Read more...] about Chinese college drama
Paris – The MIPFormats Pitch 2012’s call for entries is now open. Taking place during the main MIPFormats forum, the international pitching competition aims to find new ideas, new talent and new formats. The event, held on 31 March, is open to all creators and producers from around the world who work under the banner of a company or independently. Warner Bros. International Television Production (WBITVP), the exclusive sponsor of the competition, will oversee pre-selection to choose … [Read more...] about Genre-bending