Xilam Animation, an independent animation production and distribution company, announces the promotions of Cécile Hergaux-Essame to General Manager of the Xilam Group's subsidiary, Cube Creative; Caterina Gonnelli-Linden to Chief Content Officer (CCO) and Guillaume Jallot to Chief Technical Officer (CTO). A new energy for Cube Creative studio: Following the departure of Lionel Fages and Majid Loukil, the founders of Cube Creative, Xilam has upped Cécile Hergaux-Essame to the position … [Read more...] about Xilam Animation announces new senior executive promotions
Totally Spies
Zodiak Kids announces further sales for Totally Spies.
Zodiak Kids announces it has continued to accrue further sales of the Zodiak Kids Studios animation smash hit Totally Spies, with new sales in Europe, the Middle East and the US. With more than 155 episodes available over six series, this long running animation continues to be a ratings hit and bestseller. Zodiak Kids has been distributing the award-winning show for over 15 years which has sold to more than 150 territories, and still continues to attract new sales and relicensing … [Read more...] about Zodiak Kids announces further sales for Totally Spies.