Beverly Hills – A Squared Elxsi Entertainment LLC (A2E2), a joint venture between A Squared Entertainment and Tata Elxsi Ltd, has introduced Rainbow Valley Heroes, an animated pre-school series featuring a colorful and friendly world of police and fire rescue vehicles. Rainbow Valley Heroes is a series of 11 25-minute episodes that follow the adventures of a fleet of rescue trucks. The show will introduce engaging characters with big personalities and feature colourful stories told through … [Read more...] about A Squared Elxsi announces Rainbow Valley Heroes
Tata Elxsi
Paul Robinson joins A2E2 as President
Beverly Hills, California – Today A Squared Elxsi Entertainment LLC (A2E2), a joint venture between A Squared Entertainment and Tata Elxsi Ltd, have appointed Paul Robinson as President, A Squared Elxsi International. The former KidsCo CEO and Co-Founder, and Walt Disney Company Senior Vice President of International Television, will establish a new London office with the responsibility for content distribution in all formats, content acquisitions, consumer products and the continued … [Read more...] about Paul Robinson joins A2E2 as President