Nickelodeon International has greenlit Sharkdog, its first animated short-form series from Asia. This was created by first-time creator Jacinth Tan and Raihan Harun from Singapore, and is a 20 x 90-second series that follows the adventures and misadventures of Max and his special pet/sidekick, Sharkdog – half shark, half dog, all mayhem. The series will be produced by multi-award-winning CG animation studio, One Animation. Sharkdog will premiere on the Nickelodeon Play app in several … [Read more...] about Nickelodeon greenlights and acquires rights to series
Viacom18 partners KidZania
In its endeavour to enrich consumer experiences and provide integrated entertainment, Viacom18, India’s fastest growing media & entertainment network has partnered with KidZania (Delhi). As a part of the partnership, KidZania Delhi will have a Nickelodeon and COLORS themed TV studio. The partnership with KidZania, is another step forward in Viacom18’s strategy of building ecosystems outside of the traditional television landscape, creating synergies across brands and … [Read more...] about Viacom18 partners KidZania
Parent brand: Viacom Inc. Sub or Sibling brands: Nick Jr., MTV, Comedy Central and Paramount Channel Ownership in Asia-Pacific: Viacom International Media Networks Senior executives for Asia-Pacific: Syahrizan Mansor, Vice President, Nickelodeon Asia, Viacom International Media Networks. Channel description: Nickelodeon, now in its 38th year, is the leading entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The company … [Read more...] about Nickelodeon
Nickelodeon debuts Bunsen is a Beast
Singapore – A beast and a human form an unlikely friendship in Nickelodeon’s newest animated series Bunsen is a Beast. Created and executive produced by Butch Hartman (The Fairly OddParents), the 20-episode series follows the adventures of Bunsen, the first beast to attend a human grade school, and his best friend Mikey. In Singapore, catch a first and exclusive full episode currently available on the Nickelodeon Play app, which can also be accessed through the Variety Plus Pack on … [Read more...] about Nickelodeon debuts Bunsen is a Beast
Nickelodeon debuts new series
Singapore – A beast and a human form an unlikely friendship in Nickelodeon’s newest animated series Bunsen is a Beast. Created and executive produced by Butch Hartman (The Fairly OddParents), the 20-episode series follows the adventures of Bunsen, the first beast to attend a human grade school, and his best friend Mikey. The series will debut on 19 June, 12.30pm (WIB) and 1.30pm (MY/PH/SG), and thereafter, will air on weekdays from 26 June onwards at 5.30pm (WIB), 6pm (PH), and 6.30pm … [Read more...] about Nickelodeon debuts new series
Nickelodeon premieres new animated series
Singapore –– Preschoolers will set off on thrilling adventures in a kingdom far away where there lives a… Princess Knight! Nickelodeon’s brand-new animated preschool series, Nella the Princess Knight, follows Nella, an unconventional 8-year-old who possesses the royal qualities of a princess, like compassion and grace, while also embodying the courage and determination of a brave knight. Whenever a problem arises, Nella embarks on daring quests to save her kingdom through her unique ability to … [Read more...] about Nickelodeon premieres new animated series