“AXN is an international brand born in Asia,” explains Michael Grindon, President, Sony Pictures Television International (SPTI), which is responsible for all of SPE’s television, mobile and digital distribution businesses outside of the US.“We knew that action and adventure was popular in this region; we obviously wanted movies to be an important part of the mix, and we also wanted to screen new series from the US and elsewhere. The anime component now has a channel of … [Read more...] about AXN – Evolution
Channel: Content
Battle over content code rages in India
THE Indian Government’s Ministry of Information andBroadcasting has drawn up a Content Code after several TV channels were taken off air this year for periods ranging from 30-60 days.The Code sets out principles to which broadcasters and advertisers are expected to adhere, with the aim of ensuring program content “is suitable for the viewing or listening experience of the public at large.”Moreover, the Code will introduce classification of programs and advertisements as U … [Read more...] about Battle over content code rages in India
BBC World launches global print and online campaign for World News Today
London - BBC World has launched a global print and online consumer advertising campaign to support the channel’s flagship World News Today hour-long news programs which are broadcast during morning and evening primetimes across all time zones. World News Today delivers breaking news and updates on global events, analysis, and interviews. The campaign, created by RedBee Media in London, leads with the strapline BBC World News - Your Guide To The World. The advertisements feature images of … [Read more...] about BBC World launches global print and online campaign for World News Today
BBC Worldwide and Paul Marquess set up Cliffhanger Productions
BBC Worldwide has teamed with Paul Marquess, former Head of Drama at Thames Television, to launch Cliffhanger Productions, focusing on making dramas for UK networks. BBC Worldwide has 25% of Cliffhanger while Marquess holds the rest. BBC Worldwide will be responsible for commercializing Cliffhanger’s content through its global sales and marketing network as well as local production bases. Marquess most recently was developing dramas for Endemol subsidiary Showrunner and has brought that … [Read more...] about BBC Worldwide and Paul Marquess set up Cliffhanger Productions
Writers’ strike may cause collateral damage in Asia Pacific
Entering its fourth week, the US writers’ strike may cause collateral damage to the Hollywood studios’ presence and programming in Asia Pacific if the stop-work drags on like the 1988 strike, which lasted for 22 weeks. The strike’s short-term impact is disruption to broadcasters which screen US talk/variety shows and those which have been airing US series close to their US transmission dates. In the medium-to-long term, the risk is that broadcasters in the region will reduce … [Read more...] about Writers’ strike may cause collateral damage in Asia Pacific
Sean Cleary to WIN
Sydney — Sean Cleary, former CBS Paramount Vice President/Managing Director, Asia Pacific, has joined Bruce Gordon’s regional television empire WIN TV. Serving as a consultant, Cleary is advising on the programming of WIN’s channels, which expanded recently after Gordon bought the Nine Network affiliates in Adelaide and Perth. For many years Gordon ran Paramount’s international television division. … [Read more...] about Sean Cleary to WIN