Mumbai – The much-awaited superhero animated series Astra Force with legendary icon, Amitabh Bachchan will premiere on Disney Channel in late November. Astra Force features the voice of Mr. Bachchan as the powerful new superhero, Astra in his first animated kids television series. The 52 part, series will be aired weekly at the same time and date on the channel.
A funny and fast-paced, action-adventure series, filled with laughs and thrills, Astra Force tells the story of a mythical hero from a distant world, who was stranded on Earth millions of years ago, after an epic space battle. When 8-year old brother and sister twins accidentally awaken the mythical superhero from his long hibernation, they must teach him about the modern world and join Astra to save the universe from a new wave of giant monsters and intergalactic threats. Together they will fight for Truth, for Justice and for Ice cream.