San Francisco – Star Wars: The Clone Wars, created by George Lucas, is set to premiere as a new animation feature film in August 2008 and a television series to debut this fall in a partnership between Lucasfilm Ltd., Warner Bros. Pictures and Turner Broadcasting System Inc. Produced by Lucasfilm Animation, Star Wars: The Clone Wars will open in North America on August 15, with international release dates to be announced. The theatrical debut of the movie is the beginning of the Star Wars … [Read more...] about Star Wars: The Clone Wars to debut as new animation feature and TV series
Dulce Lim Chen joins TENA as VP, Asia Pacific, Cartoon Network Enterprises
Hong Kong – Turner Entertainment Networks Asia, Inc. (TENA) has appointed Dulce Lim Chen as Vice President, Asia Pacific of Cartoon Network Enterprises (CNE), Cartoon Network’s consumer products division, effective from Feb 2008. Lim will drive Cartoon Network’s licensing businesses including merchandise, publishing, home video products, interactive games and others including promotions and events in 14 countries across the region. Working with TENA’s network teams on … [Read more...] about Dulce Lim Chen joins TENA as VP, Asia Pacific, Cartoon Network Enterprises
Turner and Outblaze in web 2.0 joint venture
Hong Kong – Turner Entertainment Holdings Asia Pacific and web infrastructure company Outblaze Ltd have formed a joint venture in web 2.0 enterprise TurnOut Ventures Ltd. Based in Hong Kong, TurnOut will leverage Cartoon Network’s brands and characters and Outblaze’s web expertise to launch online, digital interactive community networks. TurnOut is expected to create a series of community websites for children and young adults to offer Cartoon Network characters and content … [Read more...] about Turner and Outblaze in web 2.0 joint venture
Turner ups Eslinda Hamzah to SVP, CNN Broadcast and Commercial Sales & Marketing and Affiliate Relations, Asia Pacific
Hong Kong - Turner Broadcasting System Asia Pacific has promoted Eslinda Hamzah to Senior Vice President for CNN Broadcast and Commercial Sales and Marketing and Affiliate Relations, Asia Pacific, from her role of Vice President. Hamzah adds on sales responsibility to the hotel, in-flight and travel sector while continuing to manage CNN's broadcast affiliate relations and sales of the network's broadcast services including CNN's breaking news coverage and feature programming to Asia Pacific … [Read more...] about Turner ups Eslinda Hamzah to SVP, CNN Broadcast and Commercial Sales & Marketing and Affiliate Relations, Asia Pacific
Turner and Alva Brothers team to launch entertainment channel in India
New Delhi - Turner International and the Alva Brothers have partnered to launch an entertainment channel in Hindi and other Indian languages, targeted at the urban Indian audience. Turner will also acquire a minority stake in the Alva Brothers' production house Miditech which includes all shares previously held by ICICI Ventures. The partners are currently seeking regulatory approvals. The 50-50 broadcasting JV that is yet to be named, will be co-managed by both partners, leveraging on the Alva … [Read more...] about Turner and Alva Brothers team to launch entertainment channel in India
FOXTEL relaunches Gamesworld with new offerings
Sydney - FOXTEL has relaunched its Gamesworld interactive entertainment service with a new look and three new genres of games played using the FOXTEL remote control. Gamesworld offers interactive games for the family across genres of Kids Family, Brainteaser Trivia and Casino Sport. Kids Family offers simple games based on subscription TV brands like The Cartoon Network's Ben 10 and Boomerang's Scooby Doo. Brainteaser Trivia provides daily trivia, number and word games. Casino Sport features … [Read more...] about FOXTEL relaunches Gamesworld with new offerings