Paris, France – Gaumont Animation announced that the company has secured a number of international sales for its animated CGI series Calimero (104 x 11), based on the original 1963 series of the same name. Broadcasters who have signed on board include Discovery Kids (Latin America), TiJI (Russia), TG4 (Ireland), RTBF (Belgium), Ketnet (Belgium), Zappelin (The Netherlands), Just4Kids (Benelux), Hop (Israel), Prava i Prevodi (Serbia) and RTV (Slovenia) “Audiences … [Read more...] about Gaumont Animation secures sales for “Calimero”
Pierre Belaisch
Gaumont Animation secures sales for “Calimero”
Paris, France – Gaumont Animation announced that the company has secured a number of international sales for its animated CGI series Calimero (104 x 11), based on the original 1963 series of the same name. Broadcasters who have signed on board include Discovery Kids (Latin America), TiJI (Russia), TG4 (Ireland), RTBF (Belgium), Ketnet (Belgium), Zappelin (The Netherlands), Just4Kids (Benelux), Hop (Israel), Prava i Prevodi (Serbia) and RTV (Slovenia) “Audiences … [Read more...] about Gaumont Animation secures sales for “Calimero”