Amuse Animation, a pioneering digital-first animation studio, has sold a slew of its animation series to TV Azteca and Guest Choice for Latin America, RTVC in the Canaries, and MBC for the Middle East and North Africa. The deals signal Amuse’s definitive move into distributing content starring the studio’s animated preschool heroes to mainstream broadcast channels. Top Mexican network TV Azteca acquired the rights for Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala to six of Amuses’ flagship shows, Shark … [Read more...] about Amuse Animation moves definitively into Linear Broadcasting
Jiella Esmat
Amuse Animation opens China Office
Amuse Animation, a boutique digital-first animation studio, has opened an office in China to be headed by distribution, co-production and licensing executive Entin Liu. The move follows the company’s recent appointment of Jiella Esmat as Chief Revenue Officer based in London to oversee the growth of the company’s 360 content development worldwide. Chief Revenue Officer, Jiella Esmat, Amuse Animation commented, “China is an instrumental … [Read more...] about Amuse Animation opens China Office