Whether we care to admit it or not, the medium IS changing the way we view content. New data from Nielsen confi rms what we already suspect – globally, we’re now consuming as much content on the second, third, fourth screens as we are on the fi rst. Our nine-page technology section will showcase some new and innovative ways of watching the tele as made possible by the advent of smaller and more portable mediums. Our story on the “TV of the future” reveals that the future … [Read more...] about The medium is NOT the message?
editor's note
Revolving future
MIP madness has been and gone and the most resounding message of the week in Cannes, was that television content is becoming an increasingly tailored and personal experience. This was the theme of Disney-ABC Television Group’s president Anne Sweeney, during her keynote speech at the Palais. During the talk she highlighted how television is changing, adapting and innovating at a startling pace. “It’s impossible to predict what television will look like in fi ve to ten years … [Read more...] about Revolving future
Fire sale
With all the news regarding the amount of content being unveiled at this year’s MIPCOM circulating these past two (plus) months, you’d be forgiven for thinking that business all round is just as jovially buoyant. But with the OECD warning that a double-dip recession is a serious concern and Morgan Stanley stating that there is now a one in three chance of the economy taking a tumble, what’s expected to go on at MIP is the exception, rather than the rule in current world … [Read more...] about Fire sale
Silent majority
Singapore Pay-TV entered a new era on August 1 when new crosscarriage rules, announced in 2010, fi nally came into force – not that anyone’s talking about it. Nearly 18 months after the ruling it seems the industry is still smarting. For a business that prides itself on communication, this silence is telling. Enquiries by the team at TV ASIA Plus regarding the issue were met with restrained quiet – one channel told me their vow of silence had come from “the top”, … [Read more...] about Silent majority