Engaging young viewers with indigenous stories and adorable characters, India’s leading Kids’ entertainment franchise, Nickelodeon continues to take on the leadership mantle as the most preferred and No 1 kids’ entertainment franchise in India. Riding on the triumph of its diverse IPs, the Nickelodeon franchise continues to have a soaring reach of over 44 million kids’ each week, enjoying the highest viewership market share of 31% (YTD) within the category. The franchise … [Read more...] about Nickelodeon continues to dominate as India’s number one kids’ network
Chikoo aur Bunty
India’s top entertainment franchise Nickelodeon launches its 11th animated IP ‘Chikoo aur Bunty’
Nickelodeon is addressing the need for new characters and immersive stories with the launch of its 11th homegrown animated IP Chikoo aur Bunty, the upcoming animated series that touches on the sweet and sour relationship between siblings. Growing from strength to strength with a robust programming strategy, Nickelodeon has successfully identified white spaces and created path-breaking localized content appealing to children in India. With local home-grown Nicktoons such as Happy & Pinaki … [Read more...] about India’s top entertainment franchise Nickelodeon launches its 11th animated IP ‘Chikoo aur Bunty’