BBC Worldwide, the commercial arm of BBC, has launched channels BBC Entertainment and CBeebies from BBC Global Channels in India, with the two 12-hour channels airing on Tata-Sky’s DTH platform. BBC Entertainment broadcasts at 6pm local time on channel number 205 from May 1, while the dual-language CBeebies channel airs from 6am local time on channel number 607 from May 2. The channels feature original programming from the BBC and other British production houses. BBC Entertainment will … [Read more...] about BBC Worldwide launches BBC Entertainment and CBeebies in India
asian content news
A Chinese version of Prison Break
Beijing- Zhongbo Media Group has bought the rights from 20th Century Fox to shoot an online video adaptation of the American hit drama Prison Break, according to the Shanghai-based News Times. The paper quoted an official of Zhongbo as saying the lead actor Wentworth Miller is coming to China in June to promote the Chinese version of Prison Break and to act as a judge to select actors for the Chinese Prison Break. … [Read more...] about A Chinese version of Prison Break
Cartoon Festival animates Hangzhou
Beijing- More than 230 companies have set up booths in the animation expo at the third China International Cartoon and Animation Festival, which runs from April 28 to May 4 in Hangzhou. Attendees include eight companies from Hong Kong, 10 from Taiwan plus the South Korean Cartoonist Association and the French Animation Film Association, reported. The opening ceremony featured a parade of more than 3,000 people and a show in which performers from a local arts troupe dressed up as cats in … [Read more...] about Cartoon Festival animates Hangzhou
CCTV and The History Channel link up for China’s First Emperor
Los Angeles- China Central Television (CCTV) is joining forces with The History Channel to chronicle the epic saga of China’s First Emperor, Chin Shihuang (259-219 BC), who commanded an army larger than Napoleon's; conquered more territory than Alexander the Great; created a realm that outlasted the Roman Empire; and built the Great Wall that still stands. The History Channel describes this as CCTV’s first co-production with a major US broadcaster. China’s First Emperor is due … [Read more...] about CCTV and The History Channel link up for China’s First Emperor
Warning: how WiMAX may affect you!
Imagine the TV broadcast of a major global sporting event, watched by millions of people, suddenly failing. Imagine a regional entertainment channel unexpectedly going off the air. This has already happened and could potentially become a regular and frustrating occurrence. The problem originates with government decisions on spectrum allocation – a subject for technical experts but one that has profound implications and that we all need to be aware of . . . While there are a number of … [Read more...] about Warning: how WiMAX may affect you!
IPTV has a bright future in Asia—if it’s pirate-proof
The majority of Asia’s IPTV operators are trying to catch up with the established pay-TV platforms. HD, PVR and multichannel services are quickly becoming ubiquitous while IPTV operators are struggling to attract subscribers by offering these services alone. But considering IPTV’s inherent strengths and bullish predictions for growth figures for the region, experts believe that combined with triple or quadruple play, IPTV offers a unique service proposition. IPTV’s two-way … [Read more...] about IPTV has a bright future in Asia—if it’s pirate-proof