JioCinema is all set to premiere the iconic documentary Ram Janmabhoomi Temple: The Return of a Splendid Sun on 25th January. Presented by Dilip Piramal and Amish Tripathi, written by Anirban Bhattacharya and Pranav Chaturvedi, the documentary takes the viewers through the history of the sacred land of Ayodhya and the events that marked the revolutionary phenomenon. The trailblazing documentary traverses through the nuances of the events unfolded in the unconquerable city that became the heart … [Read more...] about Amish Tripathi’s documentary, Ram Janmabhoomi Temple: The Return of A Splendid Sun to premiere on 25th January on JioCinema
Amish Tripathi
Amish Tripathi retraces journey around Indian epic in discovery+ India local original ‘Legends of The Ramayana with Amish’
Did you know that Lord Ram had an elder sister? Why did Kaikeyi ask for Lord Ram to be exiled only for 14 years? How did the city of Nasik get its name? Did you know the common thread that links Lord Ram and Gautam Buddha? For centuries, The Ramayana has been touted as India’s most celebrated Text, the itihas, that has shaped the collective consciousness of the whole nation. However, despite being deeply rooted in the culture, there continues to be a surfeit of lesser-known stories that exist … [Read more...] about Amish Tripathi retraces journey around Indian epic in discovery+ India local original ‘Legends of The Ramayana with Amish’