JioCinema Premium has announced the premiere of the upcoming HBO series, The Penguin, on 20th September. The eight-episode drama, from the world of DC Studios, continues the epic Batman crime saga initiated by filmmaker Matt Reeves in the global blockbuster The Batman. The series dives deep into the psychology of Oz Cobb, portrayed by popular Irish actor Colin Farrell, as he embarks on a ruthless journey to become Gotham City's new Kingpin and a formidable opponent of Batman. The Penguin will … [Read more...] about The Penguin to stream on JioCinema Premium starting September 20
Zoonicorn Heads into BLE with A New Licensing Partner, New Products and The Launch of Its Official Branded Amazon Portal
Zoonicorn, the global preschool property seen in more than 100 countries worldwide, heads into Brand Licensing Europe (BLE) with a new licensing partner, new products and the launch of its official branded Amazon portal. Zoonicorn’s seven-minute episodes are produced by Toonz Entertainment and Zoonicorn, LLC and distributed by Toonz Entertainment. Global licensing for the brand is shared by the two companies and headed by J’net Smith of All Art Licensing. Zoonicorn will be represented at BLE at … [Read more...] about Zoonicorn Heads into BLE with A New Licensing Partner, New Products and The Launch of Its Official Branded Amazon Portal
Keshet International partners with The Mediapro Studio to bring The Search to Spain
Keshet International (KI) has completed a deal that will see the entertaining physical word search puzzle gameshow The Search produced and broadcast in Spain. KI has licensed the brilliantly simple and extremely addictive format to Spain’s largest and most successful production company The Mediapro Studio. The company will produce Sopa de letras for Aragón TV, a state-owned broadcaster which is part of the Spanish government's FORTA media network. The Search dynamically transforms the … [Read more...] about Keshet International partners with The Mediapro Studio to bring The Search to Spain
Keeping Brands Fresh, Relevant, and Successful at CONTENT Tokyo’s 15th Edition
The recent run of CONTENT Tokyo was one for the books, proving to be a successful chapter in the development of the creative industry. Its exciting three-day run from July 3 to 5 was hosted at Japan’s largest convention centre, Tokyo Big Sight. The event gathered like-minded individuals and key decision makers seeking the next big thing in content creation, production, expression technology, and licensing—and CONTENT Tokyo definitely delivered. Organised by RX Japan Ltd., the exhibition’s … [Read more...] about Keeping Brands Fresh, Relevant, and Successful at CONTENT Tokyo’s 15th Edition
More Anime Arrives in Indonesia with Crunchyroll bringing 100+ Bahasa Indonesia Subtitles
Crunchyroll, the ultimate brand for all things anime, is bringing more anime to Indonesia by adding more than 100 titles in Bahasa Indonesia for fans to enjoy on its streaming service. And Crunchyroll is making anime fans aware with a new campaign in Indonesia called ‘Ayo Crunchyroll!’ (Let's Go Crunchyroll!). From timeless classics to the latest hits, Crunchyroll's anime library consists of nearly 3500 hours of content, of which over 630 hours (over 100 shows) are now available with Bahasa … [Read more...] about More Anime Arrives in Indonesia with Crunchyroll bringing 100+ Bahasa Indonesia Subtitles
FreeWheel, a Comcast company, expands global reach with the appointment of Tess O’Brien as Managing Director for ANZ
FreeWheel, a Comcast company, has announced the appointment of Tess O’Brien as its Managing Director, Australia & New Zealand. As part of her new role, O’Brien will work to connect FreeWheel, the global technology platform for the television advertising industry, with both buyers and sellers in Australia via FreeWheel's streaming advertising technology. O’Brien will be located in her hometown of Sydney after spending eight years in FreeWheel’s head office in New York, in both product and … [Read more...] about FreeWheel, a Comcast company, expands global reach with the appointment of Tess O’Brien as Managing Director for ANZ