London – Traces, an original TV animated series co-produced by Taiwanese animation studio, Xanthus, and Swiss animation studio, Animagination has been acquired by KidsCo. Debuting on 5 September across Asia and Africa, Traces is the first Chinese series to be screened on KidsCo and will air in both Mandarin and English. The 13 x 25 min HD series features two young heroes, Toni and Carla, who go back in time to explore the mysteries of the past. Along the way they learn a great deal about the world around them, such as why salt used to be a valuable commodity, and how sometimes the smallest of things can make the biggest differences. “KidsCo is delighted to be supporting international co-productions to create shows that are designed, first and foremost, to make a positive difference in the world. We are really excited to be adding HD to our offering across Asia and Africa and plan to offer this show in VoD in the near future,” said Eileen McCarthy, Director of Programming.
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