Sydney – The animated fish comedy series GASP!, produced by SLR Productions, is set to make its debut on ABC3. The 52 x 11 minute series is based on the GASP!, ZAPT!, SPLAT!, SQUISH!, CRASH!, CHOMP! series of comic books by multiple-award-winning Australian author and illustrator, Terry Denton. Head of Programming and Acquisitions Children’s TV at ABC TV, Barbara Uecker said, “We are looking forward to adding GASP! to our line-up of high-quality local and international programmes. GASP! is age appropriate for our ABC3 audience”. The series follows the zany antics of a goldfish (named Gasp) and his fellow pet mates, who are left home alone when Mum, Dad and their two kids, Ginger and Fred, have gone off to work or school.
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