Tokyo – March 11th marks sixth year after the Great East Japan Earthquake, and NHK has produced the complete disaster risk reduction video series captioned both in Japanese and English. How to Craft Safety is a series of videos which NHK has compiled from ideas sent in from all over the country.
It can be viewed on the NHK website (, Youtube ( and other websites.
What is How to Craft Safety all about?
It will be six years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Japan is a country where natural disasters strike frequently and the people have come up with many disaster risk reduction ideas for protecting people’s lives and livelihoods. NHK has examined ideas sent in by experts and citizens all over the country to produce 25 videos. The web archives and short video versions have now been released for free viewing. We hope that they will help people across Japan and throughout the world who are also beset by natural disasters. The series can be viewed on the following websites:
Special Appearance: Masato Kubota (alias Wakuwaku-san) of the NHK program Let’s Enjoy Making Things (Tsukutte Asobo)
Director: Hirokazu Nagata
President of the non-profit organization, Plus Arts. Plans and implements educational disaster risk reduction activities in Japan and abroad / Disaster risk reduction consultant for corporate and media organisations.
・Ideas from:
Tokyo Bosai (Disaster Preparedness Tokyo);; OLIVE; icoro; Tezuka Lab, Tokyo City
University; Contributors all over the country
Background to the Series
The Great East Japan Earthquake caused extraordinary devastation. NHK staffs who were engaged in emergency coverage felt that they could have done more to help reduce the casualties if only they had known how. One of the core lessons that they’ve learned was the difficulty of conveying disaster-related information to people cut off from TV and radio in disaster-affected areas. NHK made a new app on the basis of those experiences:
The NHK News and Disaster-Reduction App (Japanese)
This is an app for accessing the latest news and disaster information quickly on smartphones. NHK wanted people all over the country to know about it and put out a nationwide call for life-saving disaster reduction ideas for introduction on the site – ideas which could be of real practical value to people on the ground in an emergency. And so the “How to Craft Safety” project began.
NHK’s News and Disaster-Reduction App
The NHK News and Disaster-Reduction App is a place for checking the latest news, weather forecasts, disaster-related information including evacuation. Important information can also be conveyed using a notification function. There is live video coverage for disaster-related news etc., too, during major emergencies.
Further details can be found at: