ZEE5 Global, the world’s largest streaming platform for South Asian content, has announced its association with Tamil Nadu’s iconic Jallikattu events this Pongal season. This year, ZEE5 Global will celebrate Pongal by partnering with the prestigious Jallikattu events held in Avaniyapuram on the 14th, Palamedu on the 15th, and Alanganallur on the 16th of January. The platform will exclusively live stream the entire event on the ZEE5 Global app, ensuring a global audience can experience the adrenaline, tradition, and cultural grandeur.
Watch the promo here: https://www.zee5.com/tv-shows/details/jallikattu-2025/0-6-4z5687305/latest
Jallikattu, a traditional bull-taming sport held during Pongal, symbolizes the bravery and cultural pride of Tamil Nadu. By streaming this iconic event live, ZEE5 Global celebrates the rich heritage of the region while bringing the festivities to a global audience. This Pongal, the platform is encouraging viewers to immerse themselves in an exclusive content lineup that reflects the vibrant traditions and stories of Tamil Nadu.
Sivakumar Chinnasamy, Chief Business Officer, ZEE5, and Chief Technology & Product Officer, ZEE Entertainment Enterprises Ltd, said, “At ZEE5 Global, we are dedicated to celebrating the traditions and values that shape our diverse country. Tamil Nadu is a key market for us, with its evolved audience base that deeply appreciates authentic and relatable storytelling. This Pongal, we are prioritizing Tamil-speaking audiences through a carefully curated content lineup and a special promotional subscription offer, making premium entertainment more accessible. Through our association with such iconic events, we aim to bring this rich cultural heritage to viewers worldwide while highlighting ZEE5 Global’s commitment to regional storytelling and unparalleled entertainment.”
ZEE5 Global’s live streaming of Jallikattu events ensures that Tamil Nadu’s cherished traditions transcend borders, allowing millions across the globe to experience the festival’s energy and pride from the comfort of their homes. This campaign reinforces ZEE5 Global’s dedication to celebrating regional cultures and connecting diverse audiences through meaningful and entertaining content.