In yet another expansion of its global footprint, the groundbreaking survival show Million Dollar Island is now set to captivate Bulgarian audiences. This time, it’s bTV Media Group that secured the rights from Talpa Studios to adapt this gripping reality format for Bulgaria. The show will be known as The Island of 100 Bracelets and will air this fall on bTV.
The groundbreaking adventure show was developed through a creative partnership with Monday Media. Along with the Netherlands, Belgium, the U.S., Australia, Romania, and the Middle East, Talpa Studios’ Million Dollar Island marks its next territory in Bulgaria.
Ralf Bartoleit, CEO of bTV Media Group: “I am delighted that we have the opportunity to bring this successful global format to the Bulgarian market for the first time. The changes in bTV’s programming have been significant, and since the beginning of the year, we’ve seen excellent results with all the new shows that were launched in the spring season.”
Sebastian van Barneveld, Director Global Distribution at Talpa Studios: “We’re very excited about our collaboration with bTV and CME on this adventurous social experiment. By introducing this format to Bulgaria, we not only strengthen the presence of our projects across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE region), but also demonstrate the format’s flexibility and adaptability in terms of structure and scheduling. We eagerly await Bulgaria’s unique take on Million Dollar Island. We’re sure it will feature lots of inspiring stories.”