The Hardy Boys, produced by Corus Entertainment‘s Nelvana and Lambur Productions, is a coming-of-age series based on the books by Franklin W. Dixon. The series follows the serialised adventures of teenage sleuths and brothers Frank (Rohan Campbell), 16, and Joe Hardy (Alexander Elliot), 12, as they find themselves in a new town shrouded in mystery, sending the boys on a twisting and turning trail of clues while navigating the intricacies of brotherhood, family, and friendship.
After a family tragedy strikes, Frank and Joe Hardy are forced to move from the big city to their parent’s hometown of Bridgeport for the summer. Staying with their Aunt Trudy (Bea Santos), Frank and Joe’s quiet summer quickly comes to a halt when they discover their dad, detective Fenton Hardy (James Tupper) has taken on a secret investigation. Realizing that their Dad may be onto something the boys take it upon themselves to start an investigation of their own, and suddenly everyone in town is a suspect.
The Hardy Boys debuts on 4 December on Hulu in the U.S. and in early 2021 on YTV in Canada.