Paris-based Technicolor Animation Productions and Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) have joined forces to produce a computer generated animated television series that brings the best-selling PlayStation videogame series, Sly Cooper, to audiences all around the world. Global distribution – along with licensing and merchandising rights – will be managed by PGS, the privately-owned investment family group with headquarters in Hong Kong, dedicated to brand management of intellectual property in the kids’ entertainment space.
Introduced to the market in 2002, the Sly Cooper franchise has been a worldwide success, selling millions of copies globally and spanning four different editions across multiple PlayStation platforms.
Sly Cooper follows the adventures of an irresistibly charismatic raccoon, a modern-day Robin Hood, who restores justice to his city one theft at a time. Sly is aided by his two best friends, a muscular hippo named Murray and a brainy turtle named Bentley. Hot on Sly’s trail is Inspector Carmelita Fox, a morally upright cop with an unfortunate crush on the charming bandit, as well as a band of villains, each one more strange and colorful than the last. Mixing humor, action, and a remarkable cast of characters, Sly Cooper promises to be an unforgettable series.
“As a big fan of the Sly Cooper franchise, we are thrilled to embark on this new adventure with PlayStation,” said Sandrine Nguyen, Managing Director, Technicolor Animation Productions. “Sly Cooper’s colorful characters and rich storylines are a perfect fit for television. There is no doubt that teenagers will be happy to rediscover their beloved game as a series, while younger kids will be charmed by the debonair raccoon and his exciting universe.”
“Capturing the hearts of gamers everywhere when it debuted on PlayStation2 15 years ago, Sly Cooper is one of PlayStation’s most iconic franchises,” said Asad Qizilbash, Senior Director, First Party Games Marketing. “We are thrilled to be working with Technicolor Animation and PGS to bring Sly and the gang to life on the small screen for a whole new generation of fans to enjoy.”