Jorgen Madsen Lindemann, President & CEO of Modern Times Group MTG AB,
What content you are bringing to Asia?
In Europe, most newspapers want to document their written stories with videos and that’s something we hope to replicate successfully in Asia. Content is global, so it travels – viewers don’t care where the content is actually coming from as long as it’s interesting, and that’s fascinating. The Asian market is massive and well-represented, so we need to have a fairly strong proposition to get into this market and be relevant.
We have also developed the eSports business which is rather big in Asia, especially in South Korea. We recently held an event in the Philippines where one of our tournaments took place. We’re also organising events in Shanghai, Korea and Australia within the next few months. eSports is seeing growth around the world where people interact with others through our tournaments.
South Korea is the strongest market for this business. We have the ready made content that is being sold to a range of broadcasters. We are also distributing the video storytelling product to newspapers companies. India and China are two big markets that we are planning to venture further. It’s not about Asia; it’s about where we believe these things would best fit.
We have a vast library of Japanese content which resonated very well. We’re talking to multiple players to have an exchange of ideas, coproduction and other opportunities. They’re all very open-minded people and I think we can learn a lot from this area and vice versa.
We have 28 production companies that produce all kinds of different genres such as high classical drama, entertainment for niche channels and more. We’re the biggest terrestrial broadcaster in some of our territories, and the leading news provider in some locations. We believe in free journalism and free speech which is very important to us as a Swedish company.