Los Angeles – Animated series Eon Kid (a.k.a. Iron Kid), created by Korea’s Designstorm Animation Studio, is the top rated show among children 2 – 11 in open-broadcast in the US on Saturday mornings. The series debuted Sept. 22 on the Kids’ WB! block and earned a 1.9/8 rating on Oct. 13, topping the 40 shows aimed at the target audience. Playmates Toys, Inc. will distribute Eon Kid toys including action and transforming figures and vehicles at 2,000 Wal-Mart stores and all Toys ‘R’ Us stores from January 2008. Co-produced by Designstorm, BRB Internacional, Manga Entertainment and Daewon Media, Eon Kid is an action adventure 3D animation series which combines Eastern martial arts action and the traditionalr genre of robot fantasy. It features over 100 robots with unique abilities derived from Chinese kung fu, Japanese sword fighting, American boxing and Korean Taekwondo. Eon Kid has aired on Korea’s KBS, Canal Clan, TVE-2 and Jetix in Spain, and Jetix Latin America and will debut on Spain’s TVE and in open-broadcast format in Italy, Portugal, Russia, Bulgaria, Middle East, Ecuador and Turkey.
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