Sundance Channel has given the green light for the production of a new original non-fiction series Dream School, which is slated to premiere in fall 2013. Award-winning musician and entrepreneur Curtis Jackson will executive produce under his company, G-Unit Films and Television, and appear in the show. Jamie Oliver, creator of the series format, will also executive produce under his company, Fresh One Productions. The six-part hour long series aims to give guidance and counsel to high … [Read more...] about Sundance Channel to premiere Jamie Oliver’s “Dream School”
Dream School
Sundance Channel in the US details lineup for 2012/2013 Season
New York – Sundance Channel in the US has unveiled its slate of new non-fiction original development series and the renewal of three unscripted original series for the 2012/2013 season. The five new series in development – Dream School (produced by Jamie Oliver through his Fresh One Productions), Dead & Found (produced by This is Just a Test), Kenya & Carl (produced by GRB), The Trouble with Love and Sex (produced by BBC Worldwide), and Wino (Produced by Giant Pirates … [Read more...] about Sundance Channel in the US details lineup for 2012/2013 Season