Emmy Award-winning French animation production and distribution company Dandelooo has struck a deal with French animation and production companies Moonworks Productions and Amopix Studios for the new hybrid 2D animation series The Super Heroes of Nature. The deal gives Dandelooo exclusive worldwide distribution rights to the series targeted at kids aged 4 to 10 and families. Written by Charlotte Schmidt, Emmanuelle Pouydebat and Nicolas Bazeille, The Super Heroes of … [Read more...] about Dandelooo nets The Super Heroes of Nature
Arte Editions
Season 4 of Dandeloo’s The Treehouse Stories set to air on CANAL+ KIDS
Emmy Award-winning French animation production and distribution company Dandelooo announces that Season 4, with animation from 26 new books (26 episodes x 7 minutes) of the highly popular series The Treehouse Stories (La Cabane à Histoires) is set to air daily on Canal+ Kids and available on myCANAL. Commissioned by Canal+ and directed by Célia Rivière, the successful preschool series is a co-production with Caribara Production (Paris) and Bardaf! Productions … [Read more...] about Season 4 of Dandeloo’s The Treehouse Stories set to air on CANAL+ KIDS