Mainichi Broadcasting System Inc. has announced the newest additions to the English language voice cast for the upcoming animated adaptation of Yukinobu Tatsu’s iconic manga, DAN DA DAN. Following the global premiere of DAN DA DAN’s English language version, hosted on the main stage of Anime NYC, the voice cast for Seiko, Aira, Jiji, Turbo Granny, the Serpoian, Muko, and Miko were revealed to attending fans. They join the previously announced Abby Trott and A.J. Beckles as the leads, Momo and Okarun respectively.
The full English voice cast for the series now includes:
Abby Trott as “Momo”
AJ Beckles as “Okarun”
Kari Wahlgren as “Seiko”
Lisa Reimold as “Aira”
Aleks Le as “Jiji”
Barbara Goodson as “Turbo Granny”
Ben Diskin as “Serpoian”
Anairis Quinõnes as “Muko”
Sarah Ann Williams as “Miko”
The North American theatrical premiere of DAN DA DAN, released by GKIDS as DAN DA DAN: First Encounter, comes to theaters nationwide in the US and Canada for a limited time from Friday, September 13 through Sunday, September 15. The screening will feature the first three episodes of the series, along with an exclusive interview with Yukinobu Tatsu and Shihei Lin, the author and editor of the original manga; Fuga Yamashiro, director of the anime series; and Shion Wakayama and Natsuki Hanae, voice actors for the leads Momo and Okarun, respectively. The series will later make its official broadcast debut in Japan on October 4, and available via streaming platforms worldwide from October 3 at 9 am (Los Angeles time.)