Winsing Animation, a Chinese leading animation group, will present a variety of animated brands to potential broadcast partners around the world during the 2021 Annecy International Animation Film Festival- Mifa from June 14th to 19th.
Diary of Dinosaurs, a dinosaur-themed movie, revolves around a family of herbivorous dinosaurs who manages to defend their homeland. As Winsing’s seventh feature film, it has been screened on cinemas since May 1st 2021, which recorded a box office of US$12 million in China. The film will also be soon premiered in South Korea, Malaysia and other countries. In addition to the feature film, there will be several animated TV series shown in Annecy online edition, including Team S.T.E.A.M.!, GOGOBUS, GG Bond: Undersea Journey and Kung Fu Pork Choppers.
To create more premium contents, Winsing Animation has established a high-level CG animation technical team — Iron Fan Studio in 2019. The studio specializes in high-end production service including animation, digital entertainment, AR, VR and other special films as well as TV programs. With mature animation team, high-end software and hardware support, various project resources and standardized CG animation production intelligent management system, Iron Fan Studio has been one of the leading CG production teams domestically. With the aid of Iron Fan Studio, Winsing become competitive in providing high-quality outsourcing service.
Bringing the new contents, Winsing will also take part in other online exhibitions such as TV KIDS Summer Festival and K-Content Online Business Meeting in
June as to explore more opportunities in international co-production and distribution.