Mumbai and India – Turner India has commissioned Andy Pirki, an animated series about Andy, a pink dinosaur, and his friend Pirki, a grown-up with a heart of a child. Produced by AUM Animation Studios, the weekly show debuts exclusively on Turner’s POGO channel on Friday, December 3.
The non-dialogue slapstick celebrates an unusual friendship between the lead characters thrown into funny situations. Andy is an intelligent pink dino and the last of his species while the simple-minded Pirki is separated from the human world. Their unique circumstances led the duo to develop a special bond and become the best of friends.
Talking about the show, Krishna Desai, Executive Director & Network Head – Kids, South Asia, Turner India, said, “Kids love light-hearted humour more than ever before – and with Andy Pirki, we’ve developed a truly unique non-dialogue show using contemporary storytelling. This brand-new homegrown weekly, will air in primetime on POGO. We hope that our audiences will not only enjoy but also relate to Andy Pirki’s lovable characters and the hilarious situations in which they find themselves.’’
The show launch comes shortly after the debut of Tik Tak Tail in September on POGO. That series, from Mumbai-based Maya Digital Studios, follows a cute rabbit and a ferocious tiger who are constantly on the run.
Shreekaanth Dass, Managing Director, AUM Animation Studios, added, “The initial idea to produce Andy Pirki came to us in the inception year of AUM Animation Studios in 2009. Andy Pirki has already won multiple industry awards for best animation in India and international markets. We are excited to bring this fun-filled, action-packed entertainer series to the audience through POGO. The characters have a lovable persona of their own that promises to take them on a fantasy quest.”