Winsing Animation’s 7th animated feature film ’GG Bond Ocean Mission’ is ready to make its theatrical release in South Korea on March 23. Distributing by Boxoo Entertainment, the film is fully dubbed and subtitled in Korean versions to hit the theatre across CGV, Lotte Cinema, and Megabox.
Synopsis: The pig hero GG Bond performs difficult tasks in the vast sea and conquers his fear with Noah, a lovely yellow angelfish who is devoted to looking for his brother undersea.
Following the successful collaboration of Winsing and Boxoo in the last GG Bond film ’Diary of Dinosaurs’, Winsing partnered with Boxoo again to pursue the world screening journey of kid’s favourite GG Bond, bringing the animated ocean experience to families this Spring.
After unveiling the new animation lineup in HKFilmart and inking the new deal with Indonesian RTV on-site, Winsing has received enthusiastic responses from international companies. Furthermore, with the 8th animated feature film of the GG Bond franchise, Racing 72H, slated to premiere on April 29 in mainland China, Winsing aims to continue expanding cooperation and distribution on these anticipated new titles worldwide this year.