Jorgen Madsen Lindemann, President & CEO of Modern Times Group MTG AB,

Lindemann, President & CEO of Modern Times Group MTG
What is Modern Time’s general strategy for Asia?
We are both a content producer and distributor in Asia with strong footing in Japan, India, China and a few other countries.
We also operate a multi-channel network (MCN) business that we recently launched in Japan, China and India, where we work with Yahoo. Some of the videos you see on Yahoo are produced by us. There are about two thousand journalists around the globe producing more than four hundred videos a day for multiple newspapers. They are actually transforming stories from print to digital. These are for newspapers or portals who would like to document their stories with videos. This is what we do around the globe. From these gatherings, we have established an entire network and cover a lot of stuff ourselves pro-actively, which we then sell around the world.
We have huge digital influence in our businesses and that’s also something we’re looking for in this region. We have 2.5 billion views a month which is the biggest in Europe, the 5th largest for video in the world and the 2nd largest in Brazil. The scale of it is huge, but we’re not big enough in Asia.