The engaging telenovela from the renowned writer Manoel Carlos (Pages of Life and Seize the Day), Helena’s Shadow, has just been licensed to EPG. The telenovela has its debut scheduled for this year, and will be subtitled in Korean. The South Korean media group EPG, a partner of Globo for several years, also acquired the exhibition rights to Precious Pearl, winner of the 2014 International Emmy, Merciless, Side by Side, and Brazil Avenue, among other titles.
Helena’s Shadow is already delighting audiences around the world. The show has been licensed to TV5 (Mongolia), Las Viet (Vietnam), and SIC (Portugal), where it was among the 20 most-watched programs in the country. (Source: GFK). Set in Rio de Janeiro, also with locations in Vienna, Austria and in Goiás, in the heartland of Brazil, the telenovela mixes stories of love, hate, jealousy, passion, and envy.
Helena’s Shadow shows the encounters and farewells of the lives of cousins Laerte (Gabriel Braga Nunes, Irrational Heart) and Helena (Julia Lemmertz, Looks & Essence). On their wedding day, Laerte’s obsessive jealousy separates him from Helena. Twenty years later, he meets Luiza (Bruna Marquezine, Brave Woman), daughter of his former lover. The two falls in love and that profoundly affects Helena’s marriage and her relationship with her daughter, who ends up repeating the same mistakes from her mother’s past.
The show was aired in Brazil during Prime Time, obtaining an average of 31 rating points, a 55% share, and it reached 44 million people per day (Source: Ibope).
Helena’s Shadow has a cast of stars such as Giovanna Antonelli (The Clone), Reynaldo Gianecchini (Shades of Sin) and Natalia do Vale (Brave Woman).