Hangzhou, China – Magic Wonderland, based off a popular TV series, is Zoland Animation’s latest original animation movie set to be released this year. Targeted towards children ages 5-12, the animation has already won a number of prestigious awards such as The Accolade for “Best of Show in Animation”, “Best Animation Performance” at the CCG Animation Game Awards as well as “Best Animation Play Awards” by the Ministry of Culture from the Republic of China.
The Chinese animation industry has evolved over recent years from an outsourcing destination for animation to one that is renowned for the uniqueness and creativity of the nation’s own original animation. With sales exceeding US$5 billion in 2012, over 4,000 hours of animation content produced a year and Chinese animation penetration in over 70 markets, China looks to be one of the fastest growing countries for animation, production, licensing and merchandising in the world.
Zoland Animation (also known as Zhejiang Zhongnan Animation Ltd.) accounts for up to 80% of the country’s animation exports played on over 400 TV channels in 76 countries worldwide. The studio has produced over 1,000 hours of original animation and have won over 120 international and local awards and accolades. In conjunction with being a full-fledged animation house, Zoland Animation is also actively involved in the production of films, TV issuance, media and book marketing, cartoon brand licensing and merchandising.