Winsing Animation has announced its highly anticipated sci-fi anime series, Shadows of the Void, scheduled to premiere on April 10th exclusively on Bilibili. The gripping narrative follows two spirited girls as they bravely confront the catastrophe “Voidflux,” overcoming formidable challenges to safeguard their homeland. Infused with rich Chinese cultural influences, the series intricately weaves elements such as character attire inspired by Chinese motifs and combat sequences rooted in … [Read more...] about Winsing to Premiere its first Anime series Shadows of the Void on Bilibili on April 10
Winsing Unveils Popular Animated Series for Audiences in MENA
Winsing Animation has announced the upcoming rollout of two beloved series, GOGOBUS and Team S.T.E.A.M.!, across MENA starting in February. Kicking off the excitement is the beloved animated series "GOGOBUS," poised to captivate audiences across MENA. Beginning February 3rd, viewers can catch Seasons 1 to 6 of "GOGOBUS" airing daily on BEIN Network at 16:30. Synopsis of GOGOBUS: Set in a picturesque coastal town, the series follows a group of adorable children attending Sunshine Forest … [Read more...] about Winsing Unveils Popular Animated Series for Audiences in MENA
Winsing Animation Returns to ATF After Four Years with Exciting New Projects
Winsing Animation is expected to make a big return to the ATF Asia TV Forum after a four-year hiatus. The highly anticipated comeback will showcase Winsing's commitment to pushing the boundaries of animated entertainment and making a lasting impact on the global stage. The return to ATF comes with a lineup of exciting new projects, which encompass a range of genres and themes, catering to both established fans and new audiences. Introducing Mega Meow, an exciting mecha adventure featuring … [Read more...] about Winsing Animation Returns to ATF After Four Years with Exciting New Projects
Winsing to Unveil Exciting Licensing Opportunities at China Licensing Expo
CLE (China Licensing Expo), one of Asia's premier licensing exhibitions organized by the China Toy & Juvenile Products Association, is set to take place from October 17th to 19th, 2023, in Shanghai. Winsing announced its participation in this highly anticipated event, where it will present its latest animated properties and unveil exciting licensing prospects. Since its inception, Winsing has been dedicated to producing multi-genre animations catering to various audiences. The impressive … [Read more...] about Winsing to Unveil Exciting Licensing Opportunities at China Licensing Expo
Winsing to Showcase Exciting New IPs at MIPCOM 2023
Winsing Animation, China's leading digital animation and film production company, has been creating original 3D animation and IPs for 20 years. During the upcoming MIPJunior and MIPCOM (10.13-19th, 2023) in Cannes, Winsing is poised to promote various properties to potential partners worldwide. Winsing will particularly highlight the three new titles Shadows of the Void, Mega Meow, and Mongo, along with its well-established TV series Kung Fu Pork Choppers Season 5-6, the new space-themed … [Read more...] about Winsing to Showcase Exciting New IPs at MIPCOM 2023
Winsing adds new animated titles to the MIPTV Lineup
Winsing Animation's MIPTV lineup has added several new animated titles ready to be unveiled for more details at MIPTV (April 17-19). One of the eye-catching new animations is MONGO, a comedy sitcom that aims to bring joy and laughter to everyone. MONGO is Winsing's brand-new WIP animated series to bring our beloved friends onto the screen in hand-painted style. MONGO follows a series of stories about the three cuties, Hubro the huskie, Habibi the ginger cat and Heddy the parrot, a team of … [Read more...] about Winsing adds new animated titles to the MIPTV Lineup